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My Time at Portia Wiki

The Lost Ring is a main mission.


The player must have fished up a Golden Ring from any fishing spot.

Conduct of the mission[]

The player can speak with each blonde character in town to glean some information about the owner of the ring. However, the player only needs to talk to Gale.

Find the Blondes[]

When talking to Emily:

Emily Hiya Player!
I have this ring that I found while I was fishing. Does it belong to you?
Emily Wah, that looks pretty! But I'm pretty sure it's not mine.

When talking to Phyllis:

Phyllis What's up?
I found this ring while I was fishing, does it belong to you?
Phyllis That looks pretty expensive, so it's definitely not mine, hehe.

When talking to Gust:

Gust What is it
Does this ring belong to you? I found it while fishing.
Gust No. But it looks familiar somehow...

When talking to Carol:

Carol Hey Player, what is it?
I found this ring while I was fishing, is it yours?
Carol Why would you think it's mine?
Oh it says something on the ring, see?
Carol Well, I know who this belongs to, and it's certainly not me. It's Gale's!

When talking to Gale:

Gale How do Player, what can I do for you today?
I found this ring while I was fishing...
Gale Oh my! I was looking all over for it! I thought I'd lost it!
Is it yours then?
Gale Yes! Well, to be precise, it belonged to my wife. This was my gift to her when we got married. Thank you for finding it! I cannot thank you enough!

Golden Ring Golden Ring -1

After the conversation with Gale, the mission concludes.


Exp Experience +300
Gols Gols +200
Gale Gale: Relationship +20


  • Characters like Sam, Mei, and Antoine, despite being blonde, won't react to the ring being presented to them.